How the game will be structured and the progress I have made

How I want the game to be structured:

I want the game to be structured sort of like undertale. What I mean by that is that the game goes in this sort of pattern:

Just raw gameplay --> comic relief segment --> back to just raw gameplay --> REPEAT!

The comic relief segments are the bits I REALLY want to show Blemie's character off as he doesn't have much substance to him at the moment and you kind of need that in a game where you're guiding a character through a bunch of obstacles so they can be successful so the player actually cares about the situation the character is in and wants to help that character reach their goal.

Overall progress on the game:

Pretty good actually! I have just finished level 1 of world 3 "Doggo depths". The way Blemie gets there is that he finds an opening that takes Blemie outside of world 2 "Heated platform zone", which is underground as it's pretty much hell, and he sees that he is in a giant hole full of spinning blocks, thin platforms and dogs. Blemie now has to find a way to ascend to the surface. If you want to see the other things I have done to the game, download demo 6 on the actual game page.

A little fun fact to end off this devlog:

In Doggo depths, there were gonna be ghost dogs that you had to click on (clicking them meant you pet them btw) so they disappear as they block your path. This was then cut as I realised that the piece of code I used for clicking on the ghost dogs:

if (Input.GetKeyDown(Keycode. Mouse0)



meant that you could just click anywhere on the screen and all the ghost dogs in the level would go away instead of what I intended for it to do. There is a chance they could come back but I ain't making any promises that they will as they were useless in general (besides for maybe auto scrolling segments).

Ok that's all I have for now, have a nice day!

Get Blemie's world tour (OLD VERSION)

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